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Dr. Ismael Martínez-Martínez

Research Affiliate



Dr. Ismael Martínez works at NERA Economic Consulting as a member of the EECI Global Practice (Energy, Environment, Communications & Infrastructure), based in Madrid (Spain). As an experienced economist, he is involved in the preparation of expert reports in the context of international and domestic arbitration proceedings. His work includes quantitative analyses, such as price reviews, damage estimations and other valuations across the energy, manufacturing and transportation sectors.

After completing his PhD at DICE in 2016, Ismael spent four years at the Institute as a postdoctoral researcher. He publishes in leading outlets like the Journal of Economic Theory, the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, and Nature's Scientific Reports. He also has significant experience teaching microeconomics, game theory, and advanced competition topics at the Master and PhD levels.

Prior to joining DICE, Ismael received his master's degrees in Economics and in Theoretical Physics after graduating from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France). He also holds a Diploma in Physics from the University of Zaragoza (Spain).

Repräsentative Veröffentlichungen
  • "Games with coupled populations: An experiment in continuous time", Journal of Economic Theory 195 (2021) 105281 1-50, with Volker Benndorf and Hans-Theo Normann
  • "Equilibrium selection with coupled populations in Hawk-Dove games: Theory and experiment in continuous time", Journal of Economic Theory 165 (2016) 472-486, with Volker Benndorf and Hans-Theo Normann
  • "A quantum-like model for complementarity of preferences and beliefs in dilemma games", Journal of Mathematical Psychology 78 (2017) 96-106, with Jacob Denolf, Haeike Josephy and Albert Barque-Duran
  • "Quantum stochastic walks on networks for decision-making", Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 23812 1-13, with Eduardo Sánchez-Burillo
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