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Courses BW37/MW86/MQV10 in the winter term 2024 / 2025

Below you will find all information about the elective module "Economic Seminars", BW37 in the Bachelors and MW86/MQV10 in the Masters. Please read this text carefully before taking an economic seminar.


1. Prior to the seminar:

The module "Economic Seminar" is open to all students in the Bachelor Volks- and Betriebswirtschaftslehre (BW37), as well as to all students in the Master Volks- and Betriebswirtschaftslehre (MW86) and in the Master Economics (MQV10). MQV10 is no longer compulsory for Master's Economics students who have been studying since the winter semester 2023/24. The module can be taken as MW86 in the compulsory elective area.

To successfully complete the module, it is necessary to take and pass a total of two different seminars. This can be done in one semester or in two different semesters. These two semesters can be consecutive, but do not have to be.

Registration for the individual seminars is done through the HIS-LSF and is non-binding at this point. The admission, assignment of topics and scheduling of the individual seminars is done by the lecturers themselves and therefore differs. In addition, some of these are only fixed in the course of the semester. If you have any questions regarding the planning and organization of a seminar, please contact the lecturers directly, e.g. during the introductory event.

Finally, please register in HIS-LSF for the introductory event (even if it has already taken place or you are attending your second seminar), so that we have a complete e-mail list of all participants and you do not miss any information!


2. During the seminar:

In most courses you will be asked to prepare a written paper and present it in a colloquium during the semester. The goal of the seminars is to demonstrate your ability to independently structure, explain and critically evaluate a scientific topic. In addition, you should show that you can communicate this topic well, both verbally and in writing.

More information about scientific work can be found here: www.dice.hhu.de/en/teaching/teaching/guidelines-for-academic-writing.

However, the exact procedure of the seminars is determined by the lecturers themselves and may differ from the procedure described above. It is possible, for example, that lecturers:

  • Require the presence of students in the colloquium.
  • Specify a language in which the term paper and presentation will be given. In consultation with the lecturers, it is also possible to take the paper and the presentation in another language (especially for students in the Master Economics).

For further information, please read the description of the seminars and ask the lecturers themselves in case of doubt.


3. After the seminar

For students in Bachelor and Master Economics and Business Administration (BW37/MW86):

For students in the Master Economics (MQV10):

As soon as you take the second seminar of the module, it is important that you register for the module's examination (BW37/MW86) in the student portal (“Studierendenportal”) during the registration period. If you take both seminars in one semester, please register in that semester. If you only take the first seminar in a semester, registration is not necessary.

Your grade can only be entered if you have registered for the examination.

You cannot register for the module in the student portal (“Studierendenportal”). Please write an e-mail with the subject: "Exam Registration" to: vwl-seminar@dice.hhu.de. The email should include your name, matriculation number, and the seminars you have taken.

Upon completion of both seminars and successful registration in the student portal (or via e-mail), your two grades will be combined and an average will be calculated. The overall grade will be reported to the Examinations Office by the staff and not by the lecturers of the individual seminars. Please note that the grades are only transferred collectively to the examination office as soon as the grades from all seminars of a semester are available.

Grades will not be entered until after the end of the semester.


If you have any questions about the module process, please contact vwl-seminar@dice.hhu.de.

An introductory session will be held on:

There will be no central introductory event this semester. The dates of the introductory events for the individual seminars must be requested from the lecturers.


As part of the modules BW37 (Bachelor), MW86 (Master) and MQV10 (Master), the following courses will be offered during the winter semester 2024/2025:

Lecturer Module Topic Description
Prof. Dr. Jens Südekum BW37 Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspolitik [here]
Prof. Dr. Katharina Erhardt



Ökonomische Aspekte von Grenzen und Migration [here]

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Neyer &

Sophie Polke



Die Bedeutung von Zentralbankkommunikation [here]

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Neyer &

Philip Pascheka



Klimawandel, Finanzstabilität und Geldpolitik [here]
Prof. Dr. Alexander Rasch



Dark Patterns [here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]
apl. Prof. Dr.  Tobias Wenzel



Managerial Economics [here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]
Prof. Dr. Jannis Kück



Data Science in Economics: Causal Machine Learning [here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]
Prof. Dr. Jens Südekum MW86/MQV10 Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspolitik [here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]

Daniel Stempel &

Jana Magin &

Alexandra Stevens



Topics on Monetary Policy [here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]
Dr. Filippo Biondi MW86/MQV10 Pass-through of tax and cost changes  
Prof. Dr. Joel Stiebale MW86/MQV10 Empirical Studies of Innovation, Patent, and Innovation Policy [here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​]
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