Together with his co-authors, Paul Heidhues has received the Jerry S. Cohen Memorial Fund Writing Award in the category "Platforms". The award was given for the paper ‘Equitable Interoperability: The “Supertool” of Digital Platform Governance’, which Heidhues co-authored with Fiona M. Scott Morton, Gregory S. Crawford, Jacques Cremer, David Dinielli, Amelia Fletcher and Monika Schnitzer. The paper examines the importance of interoperability for competition and the restriction of market power. Based on an economic analysis, the article develops recommendations for ensuring fair interoperability.
The Jerry S. Cohen Memorial Fund Writing Award was established by a foundation in memory of Jerry S. Cohen, an outstanding litigator and antitrust lawyer. It honours the best antitrust publication of the previous year that is consistent with the values that defined Jerry S. Cohen's professional life: a genuine interest in economic justice, the distribution of economic power, the effective limitation of economic power, and the vigorous enforcement of the antitrust laws. The award is administered by the law firm he founded, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC.