Here you will find information on the compulsory elective module "Economics Seminar", BW37 in the Bachelor's degree and MW86 in the Master's degree. In order to pass the module, it is necessary to attend a total of two seminars. However, this can be done in different semesters. In the courses, you will be asked to write a paper and present it in a colloquium. You register for the courses via the HIS-LSF. If you are taking the second seminar of the module, it is important that you register for the module via the student portal during the registration period. If you are only taking the first seminar, this is not necessary.
After completing both seminars and successfully registering in the student portal, your two grades will be added together and an average will be calculated. The overall grade will be communicated to the examination office from our side. Within the framework of the modules BW37 (Bachelor) and MW86 (Master), the following courses will be offered in the summer semester 2021:
Lecturer | Course | Topic | Description | Opening |
Dr. Mark Andor | BW37 | Ökonomie von Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz | tba | tba |
Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap/ Alisa Frey | BW37 | Ökonomische Aspekte von Essen und Trinken | tba | tba |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Normann/ Alisa Frey | BW37 | Experimentelle Evidenz zu Gesellschaftsvertragstheorien | [pdf] | 6.11.2020 (13:00) |
Prof. Dr. Jens Südekum/ Nico Steffen | BW37 | Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspolitik - Ökonomie von COVID-19 | [pdf] | 3.11.2020 (14:00) |
Dr. Axel Kallmayer | MW86 | Digitalisierung und Kartellrecht – Was bringt die Novellierung des Gesetzes gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB) | [pdf] | 28.9.2020 (15:00 - 18:00) |
Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Normann/ Tobias Werner | MW86 | Algorithmen: Herausforderung für den Wettbewerb? | [pdf] | 12.11.2020 (12:00) |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Rasch/ Olivia Bodnar | MW86 | Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation am Beispiel des Arzneimittelmarktes | [pdf] | 27.10.2020 |
Dr. Yihan Yan | MW86 | Seminar: Dynamic Models in Empirical Industrial Organization | [pdf] | 5.11.2020 (14:00) |
Tobias Werner | MW86 | Programming Experiments in oTree | [pdf] | 03.01.2020 |