Completed projects
- Self-Control: Measurement, Predictors, Consequences and Policy Implications (SOEP-IS)
- HHU Future Group: Competition and Sustainability
- The Societal Costs of Economic Decline
- The Effects of Horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from India (DFG)
- Drip Pricing und Wettbewerb — Evidenz aus Laborexperimenten (DFG)
- Heterogenität in Vertrauensgütermärkten (Fritz Thyssen Stiftung)
- The Causal Impact of Trade Integration on Individual Workers: Job Stability, Earnings, and Geographical Labor Mobility (DFG)
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Development of Non-Cognitive Skills in Children: Malleability, Sensitive Periods, Typical Trajectories, and Transmission within the Family (DFG)
- Competition and Quality in Long-Term Care (BMBF)
- Regional Growth and Structural Change (DFG)
- Competition and Bargaining in Vertical Chains (DFG and ANR)
- Explicit and Implicit Price Agreements in the Oligopoly (DFG)
- Parallel Imports, Innovation and Generics: Competition in the German Market for Oral Anti-diabetics (DFG)
- Contract Regulation and Cartels (HDE)
- Market Power in Vertically Related Markets (DFG und ANR)
- Competition in a changing health care system
- Unionized Oligopolies (DFG)
- Energy Market Design (RWE AG)
- Worker Flows, Match Quality and Productivity - Evidence from European Micro Data (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft)