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Seminar Paper Master VWL MQV11


Seminar Paper: The seminar paper's goal is that students demonstrate their ability to explain a scientific topic verbally and in a written form, to structure and to assess it. Students write a seminar paper once in their master studies. Basic information on the creation of a seminar paper and guidelines for academic writing can be found here.

Colloquium: Students participate in a colloquium once in their master studies. The colloquium's primary aim is the acquiring of subject-related and interdisciplinary key qualifications. After completing a colloquium students should be able to name and apply the rules of academic diligence, conduct literature reviews, assess sources critically. Further, students should be able to use alternative styles of writing and argumentation.

Please find the latest version of the module handbook here.


Topics for Seminar Papers and Module Registration

The seminar papers' topics relate to the respective elective module content and will be fixed by the respective lecturers.

The colloquium during the summer term 2024 will take place online and begins in the week of 22 April 2024. The registration takes place via HIS-LSF.

The registration deadline for the colloquium this term is 21 April 2024, 11:59:59 pm.

The final module grade is composed of the seminar paper's grade (75%) and the colloquium (25%). The grades have to be documented on this sheet and signed by the responsible person. The sheet finally has to be handed in in the bureau of the Prüfungsausschuss (Oeconomicum, floor/room: 00.16).

The deadline for the seminar paper is up to the respective lecturer.

In the module MQV11, students write a seminar paper and participate in a colloquium.

The seminar paper's content is based on the respective modules' topics and is fixed by the respective lecturer. Students should develop an individual research question, plan and conduct the construction of their paper, and should perform an individual and cricital literature research. Further, an academic topic should be explained, structured, and assessed in a written form. The seminar paper should serve as a preparation for the master thesis.

The colloquium's purpose is the acquiring of adacemic writing techniques and further methodological and social competences. Hence, it does not only prepare for the seminar paper but also for later job-related challenges. In the colloquium, techniques and principals of academic writing and interdisciplinary qualifications will be discussed. The colloquium will be graded and usually closes with a 'Take-Home Exam' every semester.


Basic Literature for Interested Students

Eco, Umberto (2010), Wie man eine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit schreibt, 13. Auflage, UTB facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag: Wien.

Further Literature for Interested Students

Hahner, Markus, Wolfgang Scheide, Elisabeth Wilke-Thissen (2010), Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten mit MS Word 2010, Microsoft Press Deutschland, Unterschleißheim.

Hamermesh, Daniel S. (1992), The Young Economist's Guide to Professional Etiquette, The Journal of Economic Perspectives 6 (1), S. 169-179.

Krämer, Walter (2001), Statistik verstehen: Eine Gebrauchsanweisung, 10. Auflage, Piper Taschenbuchverlag: München.

Krämer, Walter (2015), So lügt man mit Statistik, Neuauflage, Campus Verlag: Frankfurt/Main.

Lang, Stefan (2010), Strukturieren statt formulieren, Forschung & Lehre 2/10, S. 118-119.

Mankiw, N. Gregory (1994), My Rule of Thumb, scholar.harvard.edu/files/mankiw/files/my_rules_of_thumb.pdf, 21.11.2022.

Thomson, William (2001/2011), A Guide for the Young Economist, 1. oder 2. Auflage, The MIT Press: Cambridge, insb. Kap. 2 und 3.

Literature on "Grundsätze guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis"

Grundsätze der HHUD, Empfehlungen der DFG, Ethikkodex des Vereins für Socialpolitik

Contact Person

Herr Dr. Michael Coenen, Building: 24.31, Room 01.35, Phone 0211 81-15492, Email: , www.dice.hhu.de/coenen (please contact for office hours, Raum

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