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The graduate programme focuses on applied research in competition economics, using micro-economic, empirical and experimental methods. Next to standard industrial organisation approaches, we also apply institutional and behavioural economics. The programme immediately focuses on research-orientated topics courses that encourage independent research right from the beginning.

Students without a Master’s degree in quantitative economics have to attend courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics during the first semester (see “basic courses” in the table below). Master’s degrees “in quantitative economics“ typically include advanced courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics (often referred to as “quantitative tracks“).   

Students with a Master’s degree in quantitative economics immediately start the Graduate Programme with our specialised Topics Courses. There will be three Topics Courses in the first semester and three more in the second semester. From the third semester on, students will attend our regular Research Workshop. A short introductory course to Good Scientific practice is compulsory for all members of the Graduate Programme. 

Semester Degree in Quantitive Economics? Yes Degree in Quantitive Economics? No
1 3 Topics Courses, Good scientific practice 3 Basic Courses, Good scientific practice
2 3 Topics Courses, Key qualifications 3 Topics Courses, Key qualifications
3 Research Workshop 3 Topics Courses
4 Research Workshop Research Workshop
5 Research Workshop Research Workshop
6 Completion of degree Research Workshop
7 Completion of degree

The programme is divided into three focus areas. The focus area “Institutions” analyses design and consequences of competition rules and market regulations both at a general and at a sector-specific level. The area “Related Markets” comprises the analysis of interdependent markets, which includes two-sided markets, vertically and internationally related markets. The third area targets “Consumer Behaviour” and examines both demand sided frictions and the implications deviations from rational behaviour among consumers may have for competition and consumer policy and how both policy areas interact.

Students choose from the following list of courses:

  • Competition Policy: Advanced Topics (Competition Law and Policy, Innovations)
  • Competition Economics: Advanced Topics (Collusion, Vertical Restraints)
  • Network Economics and Information Goods
  • Regulatory Economics
  • Empirical Competition Analysis
  • Advanced Econometrics
  • Advanced Topics in Empirical Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Behavioural Economics
  • International Trade and Multinational Firms

On top of that, at least one econometrics course has to be completed.

Next to the Topics Courses and the Research Workshop, students of the Graduate Programme can attend a Brown-Bag-Seminar (weekly), Research Seminar (weekly), our international Summer School, and lectures and courses on general skills (Key qualifications).