- Haucap, J., Heldman, C. & Rau, H. A., "Gender and cooperation in the presence of negative externalities", Games and Economic Behavior, 147, 2024.
- Haucap, J. & Heldman, C., "On the sociology of cartels", European Journal of Law and Economics, 56, 2023.
- Schmal, W. B., Haucap, J. & Knoke, L., "The role of gender and coauthors in academic publication behavior", Research Policy, 52 (10), 2023, 104874.
- Lehr, W., Queder, F. & Haucap, J., "5G: A new future for Mobile Network Operators, or not", Telecommunications Policy 45 (3), 2021, 102086.
- Haucap, J., Heimeshoff, U., Klein, G. J., Rickert, D. & Wey, C., "Vertical relations, pass-through, and market definition: Evidence from grocery retailing", International Journal of Industrial Organization 74, 2021, 102693.
- Haucap, J., Heimeshoff, U. & Rösner, A., "The Impact of Consumer Protection in the Digital Age: Evidence from the European Union", International Journal of Industrial Organization 73, 2020, 102585.
- Haucap, J., Rasch, A. & Stiebale, J., "How Mergers Affect Innovation: Theory and Evidence", International Journal of Industrial Organization 63, 2019, 283-325.