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Three Nominees for the Antitrust Writing Award 2024

A total of three DICE researchers are represented with two contributions in the final vote for the Antitrust Writing Award 2024.

Justus Haucap & Christina Heldman for their article "On the sociology of cartels" (European Journal of Law and Economics, August 2023, Volume 56) and Benedikt W. Schmal for his article "Vice Versa: The Decoupling of Content and Topic Heterogeneity in Collusion Research" (Journal of Economic Surveys, December 2023) and Paul Heidhues (together with Alexandre De Streel, Jacques Cremer, David Dinielli, Gene Kimmelman, Giorgio Monti, Rupprecht Podszun, Monika Schnitzer and Fiona M. Scott Morton) for the article "Enforcing the Digital Markets Act: Institutional Choices, Compliance, and Antitrust" , Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, November 23, Vol. 11(3).

The Antitrust Writing Award recognises the best antitrust writing published in the past year with the aim of advancing competition science and contributing to the promotion of competition. The jury is made up of leading antitrust experts, academics and lawyers. Voting is open until 5 April.

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