The faculty consists of internationally renowned researchers. Below is the faculty in alphabetical order.
Erhardt, Katharina | Economic Policy, esp. Trade and Competition Policy |
Haucap, Justus | Competition Policy, Regulatory Economics, Institutional Economics |
Heidhues, Paul | Behavioural Industrial Economics |
Heiss, Florian | Statistics and Econometrics |
Kühn, Kai-Uwe | Competition Policy |
Normann, Hans-Theo | Game Theory, Experimental Economics, Competition Policy |
Rasch, Alexander | Auction and Game Theory, Experimental Economics |
Schildberg-Hörisch, Hannah | Behavioural and Experimental Economics |
Stiebale, Joel | Empirical Economics, International Trade |
Südekum, Jens | International Trade |
Verboven, Frank | Empirical Industrial Organisation |
Wey, Christian | Regulatory Economics, Industrial Organisation |
External faculty
The department regularly invites distinguished internationally known scholars to teach intensive courses in their field for our PhD students. In the past, we had the following external teachers in this series:
Ronald Bachmann (RWI Essen) | Advanced Macroeconomics |
Dirk Czarnitzki (KU Leuven) | Micro-Econometrics |
Stephen Davies (Center for Competition Policy, University of East Anglia) | Merger Policy |
Frank Heinemann (Technical University Berlin) | Advanced Macroeconomics |
Roman Inderst (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) | Regulation of Financial Markets |
Christopher M. Snyder (Dartmouth College) | Vertical Mergers and Restraints |
Andreas Stephan (Jönköping University) | Micro-Econometrics |
Elmar Wolfstetter (Humboldt University Berlin) | Auction Theory |