- Herr, A. & Normann, H.-T. (2019), How much priority bonus should be given to registered organ donors? An experimental analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 158: 367-378 (former version: DICE DP No. 239, 2016).
- Göddeke, A., Herr, A., Haucap, J. & Wey, C. (2018), Flexibility in Wage Setting under the Threat of Relocation, Labour 32: 1–22. DOI:10.1111/labr.12118.
- Herr, A. & Suppliet, M. (2017), Tiered co-payments, pricing, and demand in reference price markets for pharmaceuticals, Journal of Health Economics, 56: 19-29.
- Herr, A. & Normann, H.-T. , "Organ Donation in the Lab: Preferences and Votes on the Priority Rule", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 131: Part B, 2016, 139-149. (DICE DP No. 175)
- Herr, A., Nguyen, T., Schmitz, H., "Public reporting and the quality of care of German nursing homes", Health Policy 120(10), 2016, 1162-1170. (DICE DP No. 176)
Herr, A. & Hottenrott, H. , "Higher prices, higher quality? Evidence from German nursing homes", Health Policy 120, 2016, 179-189. (DICE DP No. 208) - Groß, M., Herr, A., Hower, M., Kuhlmann, A., Mahlich, J. & Stoll, M., "Unemployment, health, and education of HIV-infected males in Germany", International Journal of Public Health 6, 2016, 593–602.
- Duso, T., Herr, A. und Suppliet, M. , "The welfare impact of parallel imports: A structural approach applied to the German market for oral anti-diabetics", Health Economics 23, 2014, 1036-1057. (DICE DP No. 137)
- Haucap, J. & Herr, A., "A Note on Social Drinking: In Vino Veritas", European Journal of Law and Economics 37(3), 2014, 381-392, DOI: 10.1007/s10657-013-9412-1.
- Frank, B., Haucap, J. & Herr, A., "Social Drinking versus Administering Alcohol", Economic Inquiry 52, 2014, 1245-1247.
- Coenen, M., Haucap, J., und Herr, A., "Regionalität - Wettbewerbliche Überlegungen zum Krankenhausmarkt", J. Klauber et al. (Hrsg.), Krankenhausreport (2012), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 149-163.
- Herr, A., Schmitz, H. & Augurzky, B. , "Profit Efficiency and Ownership of German Hospitals", Health Economics 20(6), 2011, 660-674.
- Herr, A., "Quality and welfare in a mixed duopoly with regulated prices: The case of a public and a private hospital", German Economic Review 12(4), 2011, 422-437.
- Herr, A., "Cost and Technical Efficiency of German Hospitals: Does Ownership matter?", Health Economics 17(9), 2008, 1057-71.