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Principal Investigators

Prof. Özlem Bedre-Defolie, PhD 

European University Institute

Project Lead:

P7: Consumer Behavior and Search on Platforms

Applied Microeconomics
Industrial Organization

Prof. Dr. Markus Dertwinkel-Kalt 

Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster

Project Lead: 

P5: Firms' Response to Non-Directed Attention Allocation

P8: Structuring Financial Products to Exploit Retail Investors with Limited Attention

Behavioral Economics
Industrial Organization

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ebert

Heidelberg University

Project Lead:

P1: Self-Control and Time Preference: Causes, Implications and Measurement

Behavioral Economics
Behavioral Finance

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Grunewald

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Project Lead: 

P4: Firms' Response to Directed Attention Allocation

P9: Consumer Inertia and Regulatory Responses

Behavioral Economics
Organizational Organization

Prof. Paul Heidhues, PhD

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Project Lead:

P4: Firms' Response to Directed Attention Allocation

P9: Consumer Inertia and Regulatory Responses

Behavioral Economics
Industrial Organization

Prof. Dr. Florian Heiß

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Project Lead:

P2: Measuring Consumer Behavior Using Big Data


Prof. Dr. Heiko Karle

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Project Lead: 

P6: Consumer Inertia and Switching Behavior

Behavioral Economics
Industrial Organization

Prof. Dr. Hans-Theo Normann

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Project Lead:

P5: Firms' Response to Non-Directed Attention Allocation

Industrial Organization
Experimental Economics

Prof. Dr. Markus Reisinger

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Project Lead:

P7: Consumer Behavior and Search on Platforms

Industrial Organization
Competition Policy

Jun.-Prof. Dr. André Romahn

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Project Lead:

P3: The Informational Content of Consumer Choice in Differentiated Product Markets 

P8: Structuring Financial Products to Exploit Retail Investors with Limited Attention

Industrial Organization
Applied Econometrics


Prof. Dr. Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Project Lead:

P1: Self-Control and Time Preference: Causes, Implications and Measurement

Behavioral Economics
Applied Microeconomics

Prof. Dr. Christine Zulehner

University of Vienna

Project Lead:

P3: The Informational Content of Consumer Choice in Differentiated Product Markets

P6: Consumer Inertia and Switching Behavior

Industrial Organization
Competition Policy

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers (funded or affiliated)

Jill Amend, MSc

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Applied Microeconomics
Behavioral Economics

Philipp Brunner, PhD

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Industrial Organization
Behavioral Economics

Dr. Flóra Drucker

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Behavioral Economics
Education Economics

Jana Gieselmann, MSc

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Behavioral Economics
Digital Economics

Johannes Kandelhardt, MSc

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Empirical Economics
Empirical Industrial Organization

Marta Kozakiewicz, MSc

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Behavioral Economics
Experimental Economics

I am a behavioral economist with a strong interest in belief formation and learning. In my research, I use both theoretical models and applied tools to investigate how people form beliefs in environments where information is abundant but open to interpretation. Uncovering the forces behind belief formation in such settings is crucial for understanding various behavioral phenomena, such as overconfidence, the demand for information, and belief polarization."

Nina Rulié, MSc

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Competition Economics
Digital Economics

Moritz Schwarz, MSc

University of Vienna

Empirical Industrial Organization
Competition Economics

Dr. Zahra Sharafi

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

Behavioral Economics
Experimental Economics

"My primary research interests lie in the fields of behavioral and experimental economics. I utilize experimental economic research methods to investigate questions related to the impact and repercussions of inequalities. Specifically, I explore how these inequalities influence individuals' decision-making processes and their standing within education, the job market, purchasing platforms, and other economically relevant contexts.  Another part of my research focuses on measuring economic preferences across the globe with incentivized experiments and a combination of quantitative and qualitative survey questions. The ultimate objective is to contribute to developing a robust and valid measure for economic preferences. My future research will build upon my current and past experiences in addressing complex behavioral and social issues by using applied microeconometrics and machine learning tools."

Dr. Clément Staner

Heidelberg University 

Behavioural Economics
Decision Theory

Jan-Niklas Tiede

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Experimental Economics
Behavioral Economics

"My name is Jan-Niklas Tiede and I am from Hilden. After obtaining my BSc and MSc at the HHU Düsseldorf, I will start as a PhD student at DICE in October 2023. My research interests include experimental and behavioral economics and as part of the research group I will investigate whether consumers overpay for loot boxes and how firms try to reinforce this. In my spare time, I play American football, attend soccer games, or spend time with friends."

Klara Weinhappl, MSc

University of Vienna

Empirical Industrial Organization
Competition Economics

David Zeimentz, MSc

Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Heinrich Heine University

Applied Microeconomics

Mercator Fellows

Theresa Kuchler

New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business


Michaela Pagel

Washington University, Olin Business School
